Greta Thunberg could be a dummy sold to you
(This is a reprint from NewsBred).
The climate change is for real. Greenland glacial melting is no photo-editing. Wildfires in the Amazon isn’t fake news. Droughts in California are happening. Once Arctic melts and the vast carbon presently in its frozen soils and tundra is released, Global Warming would become more severe. Impact would not only be seen in rising oceans but also on plant, animal, sea and bird life. How do you think water, air and food issues of humanity would then be addressed on an overpopulated Earth?
Climate change or Global Warming has been brought into our drawing rooms by the journey of a Swedish autistic teenager Greta Thunberg who sailed across Atlantic to the United Nations and “dared” world’s politicians into action. She is the same Greta who in February this year urged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for action lest he be viewed as one of the “worst villains” in history of the future. Ms Thunberg has now been nominated for next year’s Nobel Peace Prize.
Politicians today are being blamed for inertia on climate change since fossil fuel and the resultant release of greenhouse emissions in the environment continues unabated. Scientists, primarily of UN’s IPCC (Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change), want no more than 1.5 centigrade rise in global temperature from pre-industrial era. It requires the fossil fuel emissions to drop by a startling 40% in the next dozen years. IPCC would like fossil fuel usage to be almost naught by 2050. This means no gas or diesel for cars and trucks, no coal power plants, and the world agriculture sustaining itself on burning food as biofuels.
Fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) it was which caused the Industrial Revolution and continues to drive humanity towards unprecedented economic, social and technological changes. Needless to say it has made nomadic nations of Middle East into arbiter of world’s geopolitics. Wars are fought, countries destroyed, empires built, driven on fossil fuel.
World’s powers now want a dramatic cut in use of fossil fuels to save the humanity. Developing nations like India cry “foul”. The argument is: You have made your fortune on fossil fuel, now you stop us from doing it in the name of saving humanity. In other words, you want to remain in pole position by stopping others and rule the world by now playing the “climate change” card.
If fossil fuel is causing climate change, they need to be rolled back. Let renewable energy be all we should have. But is fossil fuel really the cause of climate change? And if not who is the real culprit for the misinformation?
Is Fossil Fuel really the culprit?
In 1982, Mostafa Tolba of UN Environment Program (UNEP) warned: “The world faces an ecological disaster as final as nuclear war within a couple of decades unless governments act now.” In 1989, Noel Brown of the same UNEP, rhymed the threat: “Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising seal levels…by 2000.” James Hansen, one of key doomsday predictors, said that 350ppm of Co2 (greenhouse emission) was the upper limit to “preserve the planet.” Rajendra Pachauri, then chief of the UN IPCC, declared that 2012 was the climate deadline. “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late.” Today, the measured level is 414ppm.
In essence, the Earth has been given a 10-year survival warning for the last 50 or so years.
So who do we blame for climate change which is for real?
The truth is global warming is a complex phenomenon. It’s a coupled non-linear dynamical system. Oceans change atmosphere and in turn the atmosphere changes the oceans. Both are related to solar cycles. Yet influential scientists, global forums such as UN and world’s powerbrokers who are predicting a doomsday never bother to factor in the activity of the sun and solar eruption cycles.
John McLean, an independent researcher from Australia, sat down to analyse how IPCC arrived at their conclusion on climate change. IPCC primarily uses HadCRUT4 dataset. Yet McLean points out there were places where temperature was calculated from next to no information. For two years the temperatures over Southern Hemisphere were estimated from just one site in Indonesia. In another place, Caribbean island St. Kitts temperature was recorded at 0 degree Celsius. In essence, IPCC were never scientific in their search for reasons for climate change. All they would say is that it’s man-mad fossil fuel-driven possible extinction of human species.
Who’s the culprit behind this misinformation?
F. William Engdahl, a noted geopolitical analyst, says the neo-Malthusian de-industrialization agenda was set by the wealthy Rockfellers in the 1970s. The idea was to prevent use of independent industrial rivals. The influential Rockfellers backed the creation of the Club of Rome, Aspen Institute, WorldWatch Institute and MIT Limits to Growth report. Rockfellers were helped in their mission by a longtime friend, a Canadian oilman Maurice Strong. It was Strong who first propagated the unproven theory of fossil fuels causing rise in global temperatures which threatens human civilization. In essence, he named the real enemy as humanity itself — not 147 global banks, multi-nations, financial hubs which bankroll the “climate change project.”
Strong later became chief policy advisor to Kofi Annan of the United Nations. He was the key architect of the 1997–2005 Kyoto Protocol that declared Global Warming was man-made. In 1988, Strong was instrumental in creation of the UN IPCC and chief protagonist at the Rio Earth Summit which he chaired and which approved his globalist UN Agenda 21.
Rockfellers are one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the history of the United States. For over a century they have influenced US’ economic, political and public policy. Their “philanthropy” gives them uncommon control on issues such as agriculture, energy, pharmaceuticals and environment etc. They have a web of family foundations, universities and institutions and a complex integration of hedge funds, inter-locking Board positions, and non-profit organizations.
It’s been four years since Maurice Strong is dead. But it would help Greta Thunberg and all of us to know him and not blindly accept the fossil fuel theory on climate change. By creating the brand of “Greta Thunberg Effect,” world’s powers have probably left no scope for arguments. But do lend an ear to men like Donald Trump who are defiant. If the idea is to save humanity from climate change, we do need to know if fossil fuel is really the culprit.