Indian Muslims: Rise and find a voice against Jamaat; Win the nation’s trust
(This is a reprint from NewsBred).
Indian Muslims can no longer blame others of Islamophobia if they continue to defend or ignore what has happened in the wake of Tablighi Jamaat disaster.
It’s clear that thousands came over and stayed put in Nizamuddin markaz despite restrictions/lockdowns being in place.
We now have videos where they are seen eating from the same utensil, drinking and bathing from common tanks.
Hundreds slept in the same room.
When social distancing was being practiced by millions of Indians, their “maulana” or head preacher was allegedly suggesting that it’s a ploy to divide Muslims. “Being together is your strength,” was his alleged call.
While the nation, in the midst of a life-death battle, seethed at this blatant transgression, the Tablighi Jamaat devouts first refused to leave the markaz and then chose to spit on the policemen around them.
Subsequently, we have had videos of a Muslim locality in Indore throwing stones and hurting paramedical staff which came to save them from Corona Virus threat.
A few of Tablighi Jamaat Corona Virus patients under medical care in Ghaziabad, are walking semi-naked and passing lurid comments on nurses, as per an official complaint.
HImanta Biswa Sarma was almost in tears on national TV, stating Tablighi Jamaat attendees who have returned to Assam have gone in hiding. Sarma fears that his state, which had no case till the Tablighi Jamaat fiasco, could face a disaster if these men remained untraceable.
Their so-called leaders, like Asaduddin Owaisi, are suggesting that those who have lost the battle against Corona Virus are no less than “martyrs.” Amanatullah Khan is busy blaming the police.
There are a few attendant questions which India’s sizeable Muslim community needs to pause and reflect:
(a) Would you not fault one of your religious offshoots which want its followers to go back to the lifestyle of the seventh century? Is it in sync with modern realities and their own future?
(b) Those who are defending Jamaat at this grave criminal conduct, can they reasonably claim to be secular? Aren’t they being communal? Worse, aren’t they directing anger of India’s masses against you, the Indian Muslims?
© Aren’t these seculars widening the divide between you and the rest of Indian society? In which way is it helping you or your next generations? Can’t you see their only aim is your vote and not your welfare?
(d) There could be a widespread opposition among Indian Muslims on CAA-NPR-NRC. Kagaz Nahin Dekhayenge -Won’t show identity papers — sounds revolutionary. But if the State has real numbers of its citizens, wouldn’t it help to dole out cash to needy? (That’s what US president Donald Trump has resorted to now).
(e) Would you blame the rest of India if it feels that “social-distancing” norm was flouted only because prime minister Narendra Modi had made this call?
(f) Would you fault intelligence agencies if they probe that a few in the vast congregation at Nizamuddin markaz (Centre) could’ve been bio-bombers? I mean how could you rule out this possibility. More so when 100s of attendees have gone underground?
(g) Would you ignore the fact that Intelligence today points at a few Rohingyas who have slipped in as members of Tablighi Jamaat?
(h)Would you feign ignorance that Sri Lanka has tipped off India on a few extremists having crossed over as Tablighi devouts? After all one of your own, India’s minority minister, has termed Jamaat’s act as Talibani.
(i) How do you think India is today reacting when the NSA literally had to beg Tablighis to vacate the markaz?
The truth is: Everyone has failed you. And you yourself.
Your community leaders are out to use you.
Your “Mullahs” want to keep you blindfolded into ignorance.
your political suckers have kept you in misery for the last seven decades.
There is no point blaming others of Islamophobia; or wearing the “persecuted” mantle.
There is a reason why other minorities — Sikhs, Jains, Parsis — have done so well in the same milieu in which you breathe.
You can’t blame BJP also for they have emerged only recently. If anything, you were worse under UPA.
If Indian Muslims feel that rest of India is hostile to them, they first need to put their house in order. They need to be Indians first, Muslims later. It would mean calling a spade a spade. Find a voice to condemn Tablighi Jamaat. They have shackled you; their plan is — always has been to — use you to their own end. Rise above them and win India’s trust. Take to social media, exhort your own locality; for Allah’s sake do something. You can’t be sheep at their command. Stop playing the “Islamophobia” card. Your future lies with the rest of India; embrace it.