So far, the “Ukraine Card” has gone as per script for the US
(This is a reprint from NewsBred).
The United States has achieved all it wanted in provoking Russia to invade Ukraine.
It has ensured that Germany and Russia stay apart; Putin is painted as a “New Hitler” and a cowering Europe hangs on to its coattails, like it has for the last 75 years.
Germany and Russia were just about to push-start the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline which would’ve given Germans clean and cheap electricity and flushed Russia with funds. Europe could’ve been changed forever.
The core of US policy is to keep Germany beholden or mire it in World Wars; and play on its genetical fear of Russian Bear next door.
If Germany and Russia are friends, US has no justification for NATO, its missile systems, its military bases. Its dollar is kept out; trade is done in local currencies and the economic and political power it exerts is gutted.
It’s a matter of survival for the United States.
The United States couldn’t stop Nord Stream 2 brazenly for its citizens don’t want meddling in someone else’s domestic affairs and German elites, though hand-in-glove with Washington, feared its’ people’s anger for the same reason.
That’s when the US played its Ukraine card.
Uncle Sam was behind the 2014 coup in Ukraine which overthrew an elected government and put its puppet in power. It began investing billions to “strengthen” democracy in Ukraine. Ukraine began to be armed with drones, missiles, artilleries and rocket launchers.
The puppets-on-remote immediately began riling the eastern region of Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk) which houses mostly ethnic Russians. Moscow also feared the NATO capture of Russia’s major naval base at Sebastopol on the Crimean peninsula.
So Russia did two things. It held a referendum in Crimea which overwhelmingly voted to return to Russia. It stood for Donetsk and Luhansk and forced about the Minsk agreement, endorsed by a UN Security Council resolution, under which Ukraine agreed to (a) adopt a law granting self-government to eastern regions; (b) Constitutional reforms to ensure Eastern rights.
Ukraine signed but did nothing on Minsk agreements.
Some four million people of Donetsk and Luhansk kept being subjected to genocidal actions. Not a day went by when this region didn’t come under shelling. The civilians were killed, abused, including children, women and elderly, and the blockade continued.
The United States, aware that it’s Ukraine which keeps West apart from Russia, and that the country is ethnically divided, played on the faultlines. It kept Ukraine weak, dependent on its funds and arms, and forever fomented trouble in its Eastern part. The heat was bound to trouble Russia which has seen the armies of Napoleon and Hitler march to its hinterlands through the region now called Ukraine.
The truth is United States and its Deep State never want a peaceful solution to Ukraine. It’s hell-bent on keeping Ukraine as a permanent barrier between Russia and Western Europe. And the perception of Russia as a security threat to Europe is cast in stone.
The defining policy of the United States is to keep Ukraine as a forward-operating base for launching attacks on Russia. Ukraine is already a NATO country in everything but in name.
Vladimir Putin now says that it’s like a “knife to the throat.” Listen to him:
“…after the US destroyed the INF Treaty, the Pentagon has been openly developing many land-based attack weapons, including ballistic missiles that are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 5,500 km. If deployed in Ukraine, such systems will be able to hit targets in Russia’s entire European part. The flying time of Tomahawk cruise missile to Moscow will be less than 35 minutes; ballistic missiles from Kharkov will take 7–8 minutes; and hypersonic assault weapons, 4–5 minutes. It’s like a knife to the throat.”
What next?
Well, Putin wants West to stay out of his present “special military operation” in Ukraine or they would face consequences like “never before in your history.” France, on its part, says the West is not short of its own nuclear options.
Having needled Russia into a military action, and ensured that Western Europe stays chained to its leash, the United States hopes to economically cripple Russia. Its president Putin would now get a makeover as a “New Hitler” which would ensure Congress isn’t tight-fisted on budget; nor its citizenry is questioning the hard measures. The shameful Western media would play its propaganda, as usual. A failing Superpower could extend its hold on the world.
Putin is keeping his nuclear options open. So is the squeamish West. When communications snap, any misstep could spell disaster.
One way or other, history is now on a fast-forward mode.