Stolen Elections in US: This is your best moment to know the strings which control you
(This is a reprint from NewsBred).
Trump has sought legal interventions in Wisconsin and Michigan. By Wednesday noon, Indian Standard Time, I saw him comfortably winning these states. Only few votes remained to be counted. But I found it strange that voting had been halted in these two as well as in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
By late evening, Joe Biden was leading Wisconsin. He had a lead of a fraction of a percentage point. In Michigan, Trump’s lead had been reduced to a similar margin, soon to emerge as lost. As I compared my notes, around 140,000 of new votes in Wisconsin and Michigan had all gone to Biden. ALL. Not a single one to Trump. How is that possible?
It also didn’t make sense that Michigan would vote for Biden. I mean they have probably suffered most with their manufacturing jobs going to Asia. I am sure these facts would make you seek justice as Trump is doing now. Trump tweets about the “disappearing” lead. Twitter hides it.
I now wish to take your mind to days when Trump had contracted Coronavirus. The election fever was at full pitch. CNN rushed to inform us that Trump was so ill, he had to be put in emergency. Then we saw, Trump walking out of the hospital next day. He was back in the White House. He was not so ill after all.
I subscribe to New York Times. As I do Washington Post and a host of other media outlets in the United States. Nobody who reads US newspapers has had one single good word to find on Trump. He was roiled for 230,000 pandemic deaths. That more than 10 million were infected. That economy was wretched. Pollsters declared it was no contest. Now we find Trump in the game. We have a choice to call media either biased or rigged. I prefer later.
Look at my logic. How many Americans know that their government don’t control Dollars? It’s by Federal Reserve which is a private cartel. That the only currency US government owns is coin it mints. That only 3 percent of all US currency is real: The rest is a hoax created by crafty bankers on their computer screens. They create money just by wave of a hand. No US government dare go against them. If these Bankers could expand the supply of money, they could contract it as well. And when that happens, and millions are out of job, and civil unrest begins, you are kicked out of White House.
If the US is bound to these moneybags, it would be childish to believe that media isn’t. Sometimes it becomes public like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has done with Washington Post. Mostly it’s a labyrinth you could never work out. There are layers and layers of deception created by this cartel of world’s most powerful bankers. Henry Ford had opined that if people do come to know it all, there would be a revolution next morning.
There was a third party in the US political spectrum till the end of the 19th century. It used to seek financial reform. Populist Party, Greenback Labour Party, Antimonopolist Party etc. William Jennings Bryan, who was a Populist candidate for President in 1896 and 1900 was the last one to seriously challenge the Bankers. Kennedy did try in the 60s but then paid with his life. Since then no ripple on the surface. The control is total.
The advent of Communist at the dawn of the 20th century only refined the tools. Vladimir Lenin took power in 1917 on a raft of offers — land to peasants, bread in starving cities of Russia, peace to Russia’s soldiers from World War I. Every one was dispensed with in subsequent years.
Now Communists are a vanishing tribe in terms of political clout. But our media and academia is in their grips. If it was Soviet Union earlier, it’s Chinese Communist Party today. All your Harvards and Oxfords are in their thrall. It’s an outcome of decades of investment. Everyone looks after their interests. Media has its own mercantile logic.
Indian media too couldn’t escape. First from Anglo-Saxons and then from Communists after Independence in cahoots with the ruling Congress. Rulers did their politics, Judiciary its check and balances. Army was a manpower to go to Europe and fight White Man’s wars before 1947. Our media sprang from Kolkata Marwaris — all your Times of India, Indian Express and Hindustan Times et all — who needed to secure their sugar, cotton, rubber, oil, copper, opium and found doing government’s calling through propaganda was a quid pro quo best pursued.
With such intrinsic interests of the Powers, is it any wonder that Indian media would never speak for Indian interests and the US media won’t speak for US interests? We would be fooled on “Freedom of Express”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Gender Justice” and other euphemisms when its propagandists don’t mean a word of it. The idea is to keep the society in perpetual conflict. That was what Lenin sought. That’s what Communists have done ever since. They survive only when the traditional culture is dead. And we, the common people, are collateral damage in this quest for control.
Now that people are waking up to Left propaganda — -see how Trump is storming despite every false projection. The Communists are now hanging on to coattails of Islamist forces. Their media and academia are quick to dub you “Islamophobist” if you invite an open discussion. As they did with anti-Semitism. But then that some other day, some other time.