What if Hamas turns out to be a stooge of US?

Ashish Shukla
6 min readJan 25, 2025


Image: Courtesy The Economist

(This is a reprint from NewsBred)

The Iranian-Russian comprehensive treaty includes a clause to fight misinformation.

This in itself is a noble mission but they can’t spare as much money as the West does to spread propaganda.

Not long ago, the US Congress had approved $1.6 billion dollars for five years — that is over $300 million per year — to promote narratives against China.

That’s a lot of money and could give you an idea why your magazines, newspapers, TV channels and think-tanks — your BBCs, NYTs, Washington Post, CNN etc — are 24×7 in the business of brainwashing you.

And brainwashed all of us are but for a handful who shout their lungs out yet are inaudible to the rest.

It’s thus simply futile if Iran or Russia have this noble idea of taking blinkers off the eyes of Western citizenry.

Misinformation is injected into their veins from the day they start to walk.

We could have a laudable situation where these two strategic partners have the TV channels like the US has with its propaganda outlet Al Jazeera in Qatar.

But still it won’t have the same traction as the West because, as said, the latter could spare dollars in billions.

I’ve been an OpEd writer for rt.com and once in a while on Iran’s Press TV. But they pay pittance, probably out of fear they could be accused of funding propaganda!

So this Iran-Russia partnership to fight disinformation could be for audience in Global South — barring English-speaking nations like India with its rampant propaganda by all the mainstream media such as Times of India, Hindu, Hindustan Times — and that prima donna of all, Indian Express.

So brainwashed are we that we won’t question if Israel and Hamas both are two sides of the same coin in the pocket of the United States.

That a nation which could plant pagers and walkie-talkies; assassinate Ismail Haniyeh and Nasraullah on foreign soil could still suffer from “intelligence failure” when October 7, 2023 happened in open view.

Think for a moment: How is Hamas surviving with all access to them — from air, sea to land — being cut off by Israel?

All these talk of hundreds of tunnels is escaping Israel or US’ surveillance: Do you really believe it?

Hamas could have numbers but who funds them to stay on feet?

Or that how come Israel’s biggest enemy Hamas is safely ensconced in Qatar which hosts the biggest US military base in the Middle East and is essentially a Washington client?

If Israel could have an enemy to fight till the last man, won’t it keep buried the two-State solution forever?

If you look at closely, this is the modus operandi the United States follows everywhere in the world.

Create a terrorist/jihadi/Nazi entity (Al Qaeda/Hamas/UkroNazis etc) which justifies either US invasion or their rooting out by the client state.

Again think: Why Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar etc don’t have jihadis and terrorist groups? Because these Gulf monarchies are protected by the US which feeds these mercenaries.

Israel could claim Hamas to be their enemy no. 1 as Ukraine could brand Russia likewise. That translates into a captive citizenry for both.

Never make the mistake that Netanyahu is Israel or Zelensky is Ukraine.

They don’t give a damn about their country or people: All they are supposed to do is carry the US agenda of keeping region in chaos and anarchy.

The US agenda is simple but eludes most of us: Create a binary through your propaganda machinery where people of one side feel justified in eliminating the other side.

So Israelis feels Palestinians must be erased; Palestinians feel Israelis must be wiped out and there is no bridge to bind either.

The masses on either side of divide are clinging to their only hope, their respective governments, who are pawns to the United States with the specific brief of bloodshed to continue.

Look at the Israel-Palestinians history of last 30 years since the end of Cold War and the US hegemonic goal of controlling the rest of the world.

Episodic violence breaks out in cycle after every few years: As surely would happen post-Ceasefire. Or now!

Try to be in the US’ shoes for a second and think how could you have your hegemony sustained?

It would only happen if no other nation becomes militarily and economically a peer.

If the regions are peaceful they would grow and once they progress, they would acquire economic and military beef.

So no other region in the world ought to be peaceful ever: Create Ukraine, Israel, buy out Taiwan and Bangladesh to have fire burning at the doors of your potential threats: Russia, Iran, China and to a lesser degree India.

Hamas owes its origin to Muslim Brotherhood; it openly lauded HTS for toppling Assad in Syria, never mind this HTS has no problem with Israel occupying a part of its nation!

Doesn’t it appear to you that Hamas-HTS-Israel are all cut from the same fabric woven by Washington Inc.?

So you have a $10 million bounty on Mohammad al-Julani’s head which is revoked once the mission in Syria is accomplished.

We all believe, including I did, that Turkey has thrown a spanner in the Israeli-US agenda in Syria.

But what if Turkey-Israel and the US are on the same page?

It’s nothing less than buffoonery to believe that Israel controls the United States.

If Ukraine was to survive next 50 years, they would say the Ukrainians control the United States.

The United States does as it does because it has no rival in the world.

Russia has a better military; China a better economy, yet they don’t project power around the world as the US does.

It’s Chinese and Russian Fortress when it comes to defending their borders. But they can’t project power around the globe as the US does — largely because of hundreds of bases it has around the world.

China has one in Djibouti, Russia has 21 with most of them in nations which were once part of Soviet Union.

China survives on its maritime trade — and the US could choke it at multiple points with its propaganda media giving it some sanguine cover of human rights, open seas etc.

It should tell you why China, despite its economic might, never did a thing with Libya, Iraq, Syria or now with the Palestinians.

Russia and Iran have now sought each other because if Iran goes, the same pill of chaos and anarchy the US would inject in the Caucasus, in Russia’s southern borders.

And with Russia by its side, Iran is assured of safe skies as there is no air defense system better than the Russians in the world.

Russia has made Iran agree it would not make a nuclear bomb — for if it was to happen, the US would equip Ukraine with its own nukes very next morning.

And vice-versa if Washington sports the idea of nuclear-enabling Ukraine, it must open itself for Russia to do likewise in Iran.

What’s the way out?

The only way out is if more and more people understand there is no difference in Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

Both are artificially shown to be world apart in outlook.

It makes one part of America side with the Democrats, the other with the Republicans when in essence it’s the corporates and oligarchs who control both.

This contrast is meant to divide citizenry, make them cling to their leaders as last hope. It numbs them from understanding that in essence their entire system is rotten.

If they know the system is rotten, a revolution would happen next morning.

And those who should tell us the truth, the Media, meanwhile is busy offloading the planes of dollars who visit their tarmac more than once a day.



Ashish Shukla
Ashish Shukla

Written by Ashish Shukla

Author, International journalist, Publishes NewsBred.com as antidote to media lies

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